Happy 200th!!!!
Been a fan of you since you submitted peanut butter man face.I just love your style,really stands out.Hopefully I stick around long enough to see your 400th art!
Happy 200th!!!!
Been a fan of you since you submitted peanut butter man face.I just love your style,really stands out.Hopefully I stick around long enough to see your 400th art!
ha ha ha you better.
Same old,same old
I know I'm not a good artist because I have no drawing ability,but I think you should listen to psychicpebble,he's just trying to help.I've seen most of your work,but I see no improvement.
You say you listen to people's advice,but once you submit something new,no improvement.
My advice:listen to people like psychpebble,try to improve,and stop acting like your king of the world.
As if...I'll take criticism from anyone except people who hate for no reason; like YOU, Redfeather. I don't listen to assholes (you can tell me how to improve my work, but when you make fun of me, I just won't listen), and I don't care about anything people say, unless I deem it worthy of my attention. Most of the time, I'm pretty good about it, but there are people, who I don't care IF they're trying to help, I just won't listen to.
Pretty Good
Being drawn in pencil is what makes this even more awesome.
You didn't mes up the guitar,but it looks like its bending,still great job.
Don't be a dick
I wonder where it ran off to?
Anu's anus.
We got a new expert paint artist here!
Thankyou, good sir! :D
Fucking Nice!!!
He's going down the Highway To Hell!!!!
Hey tharnks marn!
I'm a soup-smith.
I deserve a double highfive.
oh yeah?
sounds like a plan to me! one double highfive coming right up!
This is pretty good.
Make an animation about it!
Bitches don't know about my AS3 programming skillz(if they did they would laugh)
Age 29, Male
Programmer/Animat or
Middletown High School
Joined on 8/30/10